This is the documentation page for Модуль:scripts

This module is used to retrieve and manage Wiktionary's various writing systems and the information associated with them. See Wiktionary:Scripts for more information.

The information itself is stored in Module:scripts/data. The data module should not be used directly by any other module, the data should only be accessed through the functions provided by Module:scripts.

For functions that allow templates to use this module, see Module:scripts/templates.

Скрипттерди табуу жана алуу


Модуль скрипттерди табуу үчүн колдонулган бир катар функцияларды экспорттойт.

Script objects


A lua object is returned from one of the functions above. It is a Lua representation of a script and the data associated with it. It has a number of methods that can be called on it, using the lua syntax. For example:

local m_scripts = require("Module:scripts")
local sc = m_scripts.getByCode("Latn")
local name = sc:getCanonicalName()
-- "name" will now be "Latin"

Lua error in Модуль:module_categorization at line 173: This template should only be used in the Module namespace, not on page 'Модуль:scripts/doc'..